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PRACTICA SOSIAL DEL LENGUAJE: Leer y comprender diferentes  tipos de texto  literarios propios de países en los que se habla inglés.

_Utiliza  estrategias para apoyar la comprensión de  narraciones.
_Anticipa el sentido  general y las ideas principales a partir de detalles.

SE EVALUA: La comprensión de lectura

Elements of a Narrative
Plot: the sequence of events that take place in a story. 
Setting: the time and place in which the events of a story take place. 
Characterization: the methods used to present the personality of a character in a narrative. 
 Direct--the author describes the character. Example--She was a large woman with a large purse. 
 Indirect--the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or do, or what other characters say about them. Example--We believe the narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" is crazy because he talks nervously and frequently repeats himself.  
Atmosphere: the general mood or feeling established in a piece of literature. Atmosphere is created through word choice and pacing. 

Word Choice--the author uses words that make the reader feel a certain way. A spooky atmosphere is created in "The Tell-Tale Heart" through the use of words like "hideous," "marrow," "chilled," and "nervous."
 Pacing--the author controls the speed at which we read through sentence length, punctuation, repetition of words and other techniques. 

Point of View: who is narrating the story (2 main types: First Person, Third Person) 
 First person: the narrator uses "I" to tell the action, and is involved in the story. 
 Third person: the story is told from a perspective outside the story. The characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they. 
Conflict: the central problem that drives the action of a story. 

Internal: The conflict happens in a character's mind. A character with a guilty conscience is an example of internal conflict. 
 External: The conflict happens between characters, or between a character and some outside force, like nature. Sherlock Holmes pursuing a criminal is an example of external conflict. 

(Esta  es solo lectura para poder responder la  página 7 )
“Story White Dog”

Joey and his dog Ghost would walk through the countryside together.
Once there was a boy who had a friendly white dog named Ghost. Joey and Ghost were best friends. They loved to roam the countryside looking for adventure. They climbed rocks and waded through cool streams.
Joey's neighbors all liked Ghost, too. One day, Farmer Green saw the two friends walk by his farm. "There goes that boy and his white dog again," he said. "They're lucky to have each other."
That day, Joey and Ghost were hunting squirrels. They never caught any. But the chase was the fun part. Ghost would sniff them out. Then the two friends would run after the squirrel until it hid in a tree.

Suddenly, Ghost spotted a squirrel. Then Joey saw the squirrel. Ghost ran around a rock. When Joey got to the other side of the rock, he stopped. Ghost barked at Joey. "What's wrong, boy?" he asked.
Ghost kept barking until Joey backed up behind the rock. Then Ghost moved. Now Joey could see why his friend was barking. A large black snake was coiled up next to the rock! Ghost had protected Joey.
"What a good boy!" Joey said. "Let's go home."
That night, Joey said good night to Ghost. Then he left a treat for him on the doorstep. "See you in the morning," he said.
The next morning, Joey jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Outside, he whistled for Ghost. "Gho-o-o-st! Come here, boy," he called. But Ghost did not come. Joey wondered where his best friend could be. He ran to the barn to find his father.
"Have you seen Ghost?" he asked. Joey's dad climbed down from the tractor.
"Son, I found Ghost this morning," his father started. "He wasn't moving, so I took him to Dr. Parker's house. I'm afraid there was nothing he could do. Ghost was very old."
Joey was heartbroken. He would miss his friend so much. He wondered who would explore the woods with him.
After Ghost was gone, Joey spent most of his time alone in the woods. He walked along the creeks where he had once played with Ghost.
One day, Joey ventured farther than he had ever gone before. He was walking along the edge of a ravine. Suddenly, he lost his footing. The rock gave way and Joey landed on a ledge below. Joey's leg was twisted and scraped. He could not climb out of the ravine.
Joey yelled for help. But no one was close enough to hear him.
A few miles down the road, Farmer Green was working in his field. It was a very hot day. He wiped the sweat from his brow. Just then, he noticed a white dog running towards him. It looked like Joey's dog.
The dog barked and barked at Farmer Green. "Hey Ghost, how're you doing?" he said. "Haven't seen you in a while."
The dog continued to bark at him. Farmer Green tried to drive his tractor through the rows of beans. But the dog ran right in front of the tractor's wheels.
Farmer Green blew the tractor's horn. But the dog would not budge. Finally, Farmer Green turned off the engine and climbed down from his tractor.
"Where's your friend?" he asked. "Now go find him."
The dog was very persistent. He continued to bark at Farmer Green. Then he ran up to Farmer Green. He grabbed the man's trousers in his mouth and tried to pull him along.
"Whoa! Okay!" said Farmer Green. "I'm coming. Let's go."
Farmer Green followed the dog through the woods. They wandered for miles through thick brush and tall trees. Every few feet the dog would look back at Farmer Green. He wanted to be sure the man was following him.
The dog leads Farmer Green to the ravine.

They came closer to the ravine. The dog disappeared in the brush.
"Now where did you go?" called the farmer. Then he heard the boy's cries.
Joey was trying to yell for help. He had almost given up. Then he heard a man yelling back to him.
"Hello-o-o!" yelled Farmer Green. "Are you hurt?"
Joey looked up from the ledge. He could see Farmer Green standing at the edge of the ravine. The man was peering down at Joey. He could barely see the boy through the trees.
"I'm okay, but my leg is hurt," Joey yelled back. "I can't make it up there all by myself."
"Hang on," said the farmer. "I'll help you up."
Farmer Green found a strong vine. He held one end of the vine. Then he threw the other end to Joey.
"Use this to pull yourself up," he said.
Joey grabbed onto the vine. It was strong and thick like a rope. Using his good leg, Joey pulled himself up the side of the ravine. Near the top, Farmer Green reached over and pulled Joey onto the rocks.
"Thank you," said Joey. He tried to catch his breath.
Farmer Green helped Joey sit up on the rocks. "Let's have a look at that leg," he said. Joey's leg was still bleeding.
"It hurts," Joey said, "but I think I can walk."
"Let's find a branch you can use as a crutch," Farmer Green said.
Farmer Green pulled the bark off one end of the branch. Then he helped Joey to his feet.
"You can use this branch as a crutch," he said. "Now let's get you home."
Joey stood up shakily. "Thank you, Farmer Green," he said.
Joey steadied himself with the crutch. Farmer Green held onto his other arm. Then they hiked through the brush.
Joey and Farmer Green walk back through the forest.
When they came to a clearing, Farmer Green spoke. "That's some dog you got there!" he said.
"What do you mean?" asked Joey.
"I mean, you'd still be sitting in that ravine if that white dog didn't show me where you were," said Farmer Green. "He came to my field and barked and barked. Then he led me out into the woods to find you."
Joey could not believe what Farmer Green was saying. "That couldn't have been my dog, sir," whispered the boy. "My dog died almost a month ago."
Read about two women who accidentally visit eighteenth-century France in the next story, "A Day at Versailles."

Recognizing fantasy story
I.-Read the story,  and use the checklist below to make notes about the realistic and fantastic details you find. Then use the chart below to analyze your observations.
What´s the main idea? _____________________________________________________
What´s the plot? __________________________________________________________
What´s the setting? ________________________________________________________
Characters?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
What´s the atmosphere?____________________________________________________
Point of view? ____________________________________________________________
What´s the conflict? _______________________________________________________

Question?                       Yes           No                                   Look back at details Confirm
                                                      (Fantasy or realistic story)
Are some of the places unlike places in the real world?       Yes        No                               
Write details about the places   in the story.
Do unusual events occur?   Yes        No                              
Write details about events in the story.
-Do some characters have traits or abilities that real people don´t have?        Yes        No                               
- Write details about characters in the story.
II. List three fantastic details that you could add to the story.
III. Write a paragraph with series of sequence events, (first, next, after that, then  and finally). Think about the time when you or friend you found something that was lost,  or you can choose another story . And describe the story´s events in order.
Beginning (Introduction)
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Middle   (Body) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
End (Resolution) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Nota: Todas las actividades entregadas ya evaluadas  se pegarán en la libreta  de Inglés con fecha.


Los conectores discursivos en inglés
Completa las frases con uno de los siguientes conectores: actually, although, but, consequently, despite, in addition, namely, on the contrary, so, such as.
Principio del formulario
1. Aircraft engines are well mainted accidents are unavoidable.
the number of tourists visiting our country may fall next year, we expect better spending rates.
3. There are plenty of inappropriate solutions to the current economic crisis,
cutting down on public investments.
4. We have bought a new flat.
, we cannot afford to go on holiday this summer.
5. They are very poor.
, they don’t have a cent in the bank.
6. The play was very boring
we left after the first act.
7. He has to take photos of the places he visits.
, he’s keeping a diary of his journey.
8. Not everybody thinks the building is ugly.
, some people say it looks marvellous.
9. Some companies,
our own, think that employees’ well-being in the work place is key to success.
10. being famous, she is not arrogant at all. Final del formulario

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